
Showing posts from May, 2010

“Love is a ritual”

“Love is a ritual” Rahim gives a small peck on Shelja’s forehead. The kiss has become a part of a ritual to prove that it was more than sex.Rahim gets out of the bed, picks up his boxers from the floor and looks at shelja.Her eyes are still closed but he knows she is awake. She likes holding on to the good moments and that’s what she is doing now with closed eyes.Rahim opens the fridge and takes a sip of water to sooth his dry throat. He opens the door to the gallery and lights a cigarette. Delhi had the hottest day of the year and Rahim can still feel the heat but don’t want to go back to the air conditioned room where Shelja is still thinking, Rahim is lying with her. Rahim took deep puffs from the cigarette and feels that smoke is stuck inside him, he can’t puff that out. Rahim reached Delhi yesterday in the morning. The moment he stepped out of the train he wanted to go back because he always ha...

Status deferred

Rahim is still engrossed in his thoughts while sipping his coffee, there is an eerie stillness in the room .He is still feeling uneasy and loosens the knot of his tie. He couldn’t sleep well last night and still feeling the heaviness. Sohrab is not feeling good in the weird silence looming on the dining table; he never likes the strange silence. The insinuation that grown ups in the house are not feeling good about something. Waqar, the younger one is not aware of this gloominess and is busy making graphs on his plate using the spoon. Shelja is busy in the kitchen and is aware that all the boys on the table are busy with their individual thoughts. Rahim is still not sure,what he is thinking when Sohrab breaks the silence and says “Abbu, are you flying to Bangalore”.Rahim responds while still staring blank at the his cup by saying yes. Sohrab never like the answers in monosyllables and adds “Abbu, can’t you drive your car to Bangalore”. Shelja, who is overhea...

Lets Draw Mohammad

I didn't log on to facebook on 20th May, 2010.Most of my facebook friends are calling me coward, some are calling me pseudo reformist, Non progressive Muslim. Few of them also called me a hypocrite. They don’t know what I was doing on 20 th may and I didn’t want them to know. I was drawing my own Mohammad on that day. I took a day off from my hectic facebook activities just to prove to myself that I am not addicted to Facebook yet (The inner voice always says, I am).I also thought that I may earn some cheap points which can be en-cashed on the day of judgment. I took a white paper and a black pen,sat in a dark corner of my home and started drawing my Mohammad. I started recollecting my limited thoughts and I could only think of an incident** from Prophet Mohammad [S.A.W] ‘s life .This incident always stayed with me and gives me the first shade whenever I think of the Prophet known as Mohammad. “There was a narrow lane ...

Death penality for the terrorist.....................

Mohammad Ajmal kasab has been given a sentence and no prices for guessing he is sentenced to death. Ajmal kasab was convicted and found guilty on almost all the 86 charges. Death was the only sentence this guy would get. It was inevitable. I really don’t care whether this guys lives or dies all I care is the public safety, no body should be allowed to cause the mayhem like Mumbai 26/11. The verdict is hailed as an accomplishment for the Indian administration. It deserve accolades taking in account that the ruling came in less than a year and the people in charge of this case had a humongous task in their hands with all the paper work involved and national sensibilities hanging on the case from the very beginning. The Home Minister finally got something to boost about after so many debacles concerning the national security and sounded elated while pronouncing that whole world (r...

Justice delayed is justice denied; in our case it’s always delayed.

Justice delayed is justice denied; in our case it’s always delayed Justice delayed is justice denied.I don’t see any hope for a change in this metaphor prevailing in the country from ages. The judicial system of my country is as good or bad as any other system of our civil society. I am really amused to see how these Judges and the judicial mechanism behave and act as the bearers of justice which they rightly are. However, they look corrupted with the power bestowed upon them by the constitution in such a greater deal probably more than what they deserve. I see my country really over eager to jump into the next league of developed countries. Political leaders and the ever growing middle class is always discussing but unfortunately not so often reaching a consensus in finding out the ways to make this growth, the inclusive growth. The totality and inclusiveness are the words of developing nations but corruption is the only inclusive thing in th...