I Meander again.

I Meander again.

I am sipping my coffee at ‘Coffea Arabica ‘
Tracy Chapman is singing ‘Fast car’
I have a feeling I belong,
And then I meander again.
The best place here is reserved for smokers,
I can see snow on mountains.
The vale has sun after ages of ‘rood’**,
The mountains return my stare, untouched by blood, *
I am acting Kashmiri, reading Agha Shahid.
A beauteous girl from west climbs up the stairs,
Wearing a tawdry traditional Muslim suit.
I tell myself
Mad heart, be brave. *
She lights a cigarette,
Bono start singing ‘I still haven’t found what I am looking for’
And then I meander again…………………

**Rood:Kashmiri word for rain
*:Lines from Agha Shahid Ali’s “ the veiled suite “


  1. Love this piece. Slow deliberate quiet and self absorbed.


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