The fire of angst burnt my city, Jammu

Pico Iyer lost everything he had—and nearly his life in one of the worst man-made fires in California. While recounting the tragedy to lose something that you call home, he says “I always had that sense that home was not where I lived but what lived inside me,"  "When our house burned down in the forest fire that became literal." I also lost my home in an angst of fire that slowly killed my desire to call Jammu my home. I am in mid-thirties, an age where realities of life are too stark to be ignored and the haze of idealism turns too thin to cover the nakedness. No matter whether you love it or hate it, home is where you return to. Somebody would guide you back or as they say, ‘will show you your place’.

Recently, I was reminded again of the place where I was born and raised. In the outskirts of a town near Jammu, an eight year old girl was missing since January 10, 2018 .People mostly from her own nomadic community came out in large numbers and protested against the inaction of the Police in finding her. Some of the young agitators were incarcerated and few were beaten as they were causing law and order problems for the police. The girl was finally traced after a week but only when she was already raped and dead. The protests continued against the police for their ineptness in tracing her alive and afterwards for not catching the culprits responsible for the heinous crime.
The Indian subcontinent likes to hold itself very high on moral standards. However, record of crimes against women and children shows a picture of a decayed and dilapidated society that has always been cruel to the marginalised people. The most barbaric acts were always saved for the women, children and people belonging to low-castes.
In mainland India, recently an aggressive agitation was going on against a Hindi movie. Some of the protestors were ready to immolate the actress alive because they felt her portrayal of the Rajput princess was in a bad taste. The same princess had supposedly immolated herself saving her honour from the Invading Muslim enemy. In the neighbouring Pakistan, Zainab, a girl of almost same age as Asifa had to face the same fate. She was raped and killed which also resulted in wide spread protests against the failure of authorities.
There is always a protest or agitation going in our part of the world. Some of these get round the clock coverage and some don’t even get a mention in any section of the media. .To protest, is to make a statement or express disapproval or objection to something. When I saw reports of Jammu protests in favour of the Asifa rape accused, I was not surprised as living in Jammu and other parts of India I have witnessed various contours of protests.Protest is not always the voice of the victim ,it can also be mean to intimidate the weak.
Protest, is also a mean to intimidate.
Jammu, the place where I was born and raised has also seen frequent protests. Most of the times the protests were a reaction to an incident in Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir is a majority Muslim state, Jammu and adjoining districts like Samba, Kathua and Udhampur have more Hindus with 10% to 20% of Muslim population. Living in Jammu interestingly made me understand how this Majority-minority equation actually works. Jammu Muslims are a minority living in a Muslim majority state. Being a minority is a difficult learning experience in our part of the world, it teaches you how humans collectively intimidate the lot that is somehow less in number.
Indian cricket team of 90’s was no match to their Pakistani counterparts, on rare occasions when they were able to beat Pakistan, the celebration marches from all over the city used to pause near our neighbourhood of around 15-20 Muslim homes .The loud expletives against Pakistan and Muslims were more of a protest than celebration, the crowd as if holding Jammu Muslims responsible for the mediocrity of Indian team. Thanks goodness, Indian team is far superior to Pakistan now and is beating them on almost every occasion.
In 2008 Amarnath land transfer row erupted and resulted in massive agitation in Jammu. These protests started as a reaction to an agitation in Kashmir against the land transfer to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) .There were massive crowds of protestors with brazenly communal slogans and naked tridents. Every Muslim neighbourhood lived in fear of these communal mobs for more than two months.
RSS always had a very visible presence in Jammu and during the run-up to 2014 elections when the majoritarian narrative was pushed all over India. Jammu also had its share of communal tensions flaring up.2008 had already changed the Jammu narrative from Anti –Kashmir to Anti-Muslim.

In 2010, when all over Muslim world there were protests against Quran burning incident in US, devout Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir also couldn’t resist themselves. One of the young boys returning from one such protest was attacked with a knife near our home. Next day, a prominent local Jammu paper had a 100 word inside page report about boys of a certain community being attacked for raising pro Pakistani slogans.
August 2013 saw communal clashes in a remote town of kishtwar which resulted in the Mob burning businesses and shops, both the communities suffered but the major brunt was felt by Hindus as reported by all the major Jammu papers. Hindu Organisations like VHP, Bajrang dal, backed by BJP held aggressive and charged up protests all over the Jammu city, same night our neighbourhood was attacked by a large mob looking for revenge and when police did give them a free hand for an hour or so, they burnt down every visible Muslim shop in the neighbourhood.

The parliament and Assembly election results did give BJP the reward of its fervour for the politics of fear. BJP was able to win almost all seats of Jammu province and formed Government in J&K for the first time. Many people that includes the writer of this piece, believed that being part of the Government, the communal narrative unleashed in the run up to the elections will mellow down. On the contrary spreading hate against others became mainstream. Any protest or an act of violence in the name of Hindu nationalism got the patronage from the ruling dispensation and many people were rewarded for spreading hate against Muslims.
In Jammu no protest was ever complete without raising slogans against Kashmir and its separatist politics. In the last decade separatism and Muslims have become synonymous for the Hindu right wingers. The Muslim Majority character of the Jammu and Kashmir state has been a rallying point for all the protests in Jammu. Police investigating the murder of Asifa arrested people from the same village, one of them a police cop*. The Hindu community which was earlier watching the unfolding of events from the fence came out to protest. As I tried to explain earlier, every protest in Jammu was a protest against the Muslim majority character of the state.
Asifa was drugged and beaten before the rape .She wasn’t even 9 years old when killed but, the protestors were agitating for the accused in the case and not the kid they allegedly kill. The main organisation behind all these protest is called Hindu Ekta Manch. The name literary translate to the forum for unity of Hindus. A forum where all Hindus can unite against their biggest and the only enemy.
I read a post shared by one of my Facebook friend .A mother of a cancer patient in a war ravaged Syrian hospital told her ‘‘the war is easier on me than the sickness of my child, ’Nothing in this world can be more difficult to bear than the sight of suffering young children. 

‘The hatred for the other’ formula may have reaped electoral benefits for the Hindu Radicals in Jammu but how will they tame the monster when there is nothing left but hate. Jammu is still my home, Someday I will be a nostalgic old man and the love may rekindle itself. For now, the place is too tattered and torn to be loved.

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·         This was written a few weeks ago, police have made many more arrests in the case
·         More details are here :
Above Images is taken from internet sources.


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