The national pride is more important than the nation itself.

The national capital recently witnessed a spectacle designed and performed for the western audience.I know, I am not telling you the complete story, at least the advertisements shown in the intervals were aimed at the western tourists. So, my dear country men the incredible India image is not for you, it’s for the foreign guests. The exhibition went well,I preferred to overlook all the hiccups in the preparations and aftermaths including scrutiny of few officials on the home turf for making money and using it for their own benefits.These obvious byproducts did hurt the national pride of a country desperate for declaring its emergence.However,even the bad publicity couldn’t take the sheen out of ever growing self pride.The TV commentator in the gala ceremony couldn’t hide his pride for the nation either,while proclaiming that it was a proud movement for the largest democracy of the world.India did declare its prominence in the emerging world(that’s what burgeoning middle class still li...