
Showing posts from January, 2010

If you have illusions about heaven

If you have illusions about heaven lose them. The soul heard of one attribute of Love and came to earth. A hundred attributes of heaven could never charm her back. It is here the soul discovers the reality of Love. -- Translation by Azima Melita Kolin and Maryam Mafi Rumi: Whispers of the Beloved HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 1999

Lost Dreams of Paradise

Three suicide bombers or may be more than three, blew themselves off at different locations in Kabul at the same time.Every suicide bomber was more eager to blow himself off than the others. The afterlife is so beautiful, it has everything. You guys will have everything,women, wine and every comfort that was prohibited in this world.You guys may have reached heaven by now.You will have beautiful women in your lap and wine glasses in your hands.However, if by any chance you also have a television with satellite channels (You guys should get that privilege in heaven, as you rightly stayed away from this sin as well, on your short trip to this naive world run majorly by infidels) please check the amazing work that you guys have done in the streets of Kabul. Please have a look at those bloody faces and bodies lying on the streets. Please play the music of those screams and wails louder. The God should be proud of you guys .You sincerely deserve a place in heaven .Oops I forgot,you are a...