Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.......................................

(This pic is taken from Shepherd Fairey obama's illustration"I love this Pic and using it again" and text byMystic Darvesh) Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize ....................................... I really don't know if Barack Hussein Obama deserves it or not.However, I am certain and sure that Obama is a phenomenon that took the world by storm. This Storm has smell of hope for everyone,Even highly pessimistic/optimistic literary,intelligent. genius Nobel prize committee is smelling that. This world needs a Christ and this time the son of God has been baptised as Barack Hussein Obama. Everybody has hope from this saviour(if he will be one),From a Muslim bearded guy with a skull cap from Kashmir university to a rabbi in Israel,From a black man in Chicago who lost his job to recession to a white Guy in Italy who cried all day for the loss of Italian soldiers in Iraq. I really feel for this guy who stood against all odds and become the President of United States.He...